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Surprise Lawn and Garden
Sales Parts and Service
Engine Service

We offer a wide range of services ranging from minor tune ups to complete rebuilds.

Some examples:

  • Complete tune* up for a rotary lawn mower:
Carburetor re-build, service or replace air filter, oil change, sharpen and balance blade, new spark plug,
lube and adjust all servicable parts/assemblies, check cables, fuel lines etc.
*Blade sharpening for tiff mowers is not included in tune up.
  • Minor tune* up for a lawn mower:
Oil change, new spark plug, sharpen and balance blade, lube and adjust all sevicable parts/assemblies
service or replace air filter check cables and fuel lines etc.
* Blade sharpening for tiff mowers is not included in tune up.
  • Carburetor re-builds:
Clean carburetor and install carburetor re-build kit, flush fuel tank and fuel lines, install and adjust carburetor.

Authorized Dealer
Engine Service
Sharpening services
Misc. Services
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